Why IPL is the best choice – Srini Sundararajan, SVP/Head of Networks Business at Samsung Electronics

About Srini:

Srini Sundararajan is responsible in driving all technical aspects of India LTE/4G opportunities. This involves designing end to end networks from access to IP, Optics, LTE, Microwave, GPON, IMS, Applications, etc. Daily, significant, direct interactions with customers with a majority of time at customer premises in discussing various technology options and values. Created very high mind-share and trusted partner relationship with the customers. Led a team that produced a full fledged 1000 page high level design document for next generation network. Managed validation of ALU products at site and various trial activities.
As R&D leader for India (over 2600 R&D professionals), at Bangalore, Chennai and NCR, initiated and managing successful rollout of several transformation programs (e.g. Agile/Lean deployment, LaaS, One R&D portal, leadership growth, Region Support, innovation, Ownership, Cost Mgmt, and Communication) to transform the India R&D from a pure execution model to a fully accountable product ownership component of the overall ALU R&D eco system (product and project R&D models).

What value do the IPL courses bring to the industry?

IPL’s post graduate program is the first one i have heard which is focusing on addressing this area of a creation of product leaders. This is not only a valuable program for organisations that are going from a project to product oriented culture and also for individuals who are looking at leading at these organisations as well as becoming global product leaders.

3 take-aways:

- IPL’s post graduate program is the first one focused on creation of product leaders.
- It’s a valuable program for organisations as well as individuals.
