Role of Human Emotions in Product Positioning.

One of the strongest positioning any brand can achieve goes beyond product features or the great after-sale service. Building a differentiation strategy on emotional benefits removes the pressure for continuous product innovation which for most companies is hard to achieve and, more importantly, constantly deliver.

Mercedes-Benz is seen as a symbol of success. Longines does not offer watches, but sells elegant time pieces (positioning communicated through their excellent slogan “Elegance is an attitude”). Another brand, Apple does not sell electronic but “tools for creative people”. In a way, all these brands have established themselves firmly in the user’s mind.

People buy emotionally and justify their decisions rationally:

In order for brand managers to effectively position their product in the marketplace, they must have a deep understanding of the specific consumer emotions they’re seeking to target.

Emotional triggers that might affect how people feel about your brand and their decisions to purchase your branded products and services can be both negative as well as positive.

Some of the most common human emotions that marketers keep in their mindwhile planning their product positioning strategies are:


Fear of being left behind, not fitting in, not being prepared, and missing out on something, and so on. We all fall, get up and complete the race of life!

A recent ad of Nescafe shows how a protagonist overcomes his fear and goes on to explain how he makes good use of his disability and turn it into an advantage that pleases his audience. And while he huddles up with friends, family and the world to celebrate the success, it is only that one companion (product) that silently stays by his side all through the journey, right from the start, never letting him give up and at the same time helping him overcoming his deepest fear.


Guilt because you don’t spend enough time with your family, you don’t help other people like you should; you’re selfish and so on.

The millennial generation is always on the go, and while always connected through technology sometimes misses out on physical proximity to their families. This AD covers the feeling of guilt of a daughter not spending time with her parents during festive time and adding in between how the product gives the protagonist
a reason to celebrate and expand celebrations with family and friends.


Stirring a spirit of competition, how a mom challenges her own son and justifies the power of a drink, beverage brand Bournvita, with the story of a mother who instils in her son the habit of winning or competition.

Love & a sense of belonging:

Most human beings want to feel emotions of love and a sense of belonging to a family, team, group, and so on. ‘Platinum Day of Love’ was conceptualized to own the transition of a relationship from a family wedding ceremony to a very personal and intimate moment that makes them feel that they are meant to be together forever.

Emotions are indeed a part of who we are as human beings: we want to feel confident, comfortable, safe, appreciated and loved by others. All these are perfect ingredients for a strong positioning strategy based on emotional benefits and emotions do play a vital role when it comes to strong product positioning.


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