Product Labs

Build Real Products For Real World Challenges Using Proven Frameworks


Open Ideas


Active Projects


Coaches and Mentors


Jury Pitches Completed

Product Labs is an experiential platform where candidates learn the nuances and intricacies of building products, while being mentored and coached by some of the biggest names in the industry. It gives individuals the opportunity to come up with their own ideas and develop them along with understanding several key aspects of products, design or business. The central premise of Product Labs is to be able to cultivate a series of skills that are required in today’s industry to build products and run successful companies. The transition towards a product economy has created demand for a multitude of individuals who can drive product portfolios towards a successful outcome. By the end of the rigorous Product Labs cycle, students are able to display high proficiency in industry relevant skills. Many of them go on to be placed with top tier organisations across the globe, while others start successful entrepreneurial ventures of their own.

Ideas at Product Labs