Nikhil Gupta - ICPM Class of Spring 2013

Product Manager, Marketing at Aricent to Sr Product Manager, Marketing at Aricent


“I wanted to validate if I’m doing the right set of things in the Product Management function because it is still not very structured in India. The course has given me the rigor and framework that I can apply in my company for my products and see whether this is compelling enough for customers to buy or not. I would recommend this course only for those who are passionate and want to create products, for engineers who want to learn the adaptive framework to go to the next level, and for entrepreneurs. If you want to do it for the sake of a certificate, I won’t recommend this program because this is the real stuff.”

The IPL Experience

“First, [I learnt about the required] structure, methodology and rigor before you create a product, to ask if it’s creating value to the customer - so, the complete methodology and framework I [now] have in place. Second, the amazing relationships and exposure. Third, the industry connect. It leaves me with a tickle in my belly that product management is not enough. Maybe sometime I may move into an entrepreneur role because IPL has introduced me to the complete ecosystem for entrepreneurs.”

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