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Karthi Subbaraman’s Transformation as a Designer with Learnings from IPL

By Karthi Subbaraman Principal Group Design Manager, Microsoft

Through her journey, Karthi Subbaraman, who is currently the Principal Group Design Manager at Microsoft, highlights the transformative impact of a course from the Institute of Product Leadership in her career as a designer to be the Chief Product Officer at Xperian. She emphasizes that empathy tends to play a vital role in design and further understanding the world of product managers has made her a better designer. Karthi also reflects on the concept of the “product world” and its three key aspects: desirability, viability, and feasibility. She expresses gratitude for the support she received from IPL and how it has helped her evolve as a designer.

Key Takeaways:

  • Karthi Subbaraman, Principal Group Design Manager, Microsoft, shares her transformation as a designer through a course from the Institute of Product Leadership (IPL).
  • Empathy plays a vital role in design, particularly in understanding the needs and perspectives of product managers, who are the customers of designers.
  • The “product world” concept involves understanding the three interconnected circles of desirability, viability, and feasibility, which enable informed design decisions.
  • Karthi emphasizes that she will continue to be a designer but now as a better one, without intending to become a product manager.
  • Embracing change and growth has been a transformative mindset for Karthi, enabling her to evolve as a designer and confidently manage products.
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    Literally after IPL completion, I said no to everything that I was doing before, and I have started running things with better frameworks, better thought process, better everything.”

    The Role of Empathy in Design:

    Empathy plays a vital role in design by fostering a deep understanding of the needs and perspectives of the, particularly the product managers who serve as the customers for designers. Karthi Subbaraman highlights the importance of empathizing with product managers and understanding their world. By stepping into their shoes, designers can gain valuable insights into the challenges and goals of product management, enabling them to deliver solutions that truly meet the needs and expectations of their customers. This realization has led her to believe that pursuing a course from IPL could be a worthwhile investment of time, energy, and money.

    Understanding the Product World:

    The “product world” is a concept that involves grasping the three fundamental circles of desirability, viability, and feasibility. Karthi Subbaraman highlights that by comprehending these three interconnected circles, during her course she has gained a comprehensive understanding of the product landscape. This knowledge enables her to make informed design decisions that consider not only the user’s desires but also the product’s feasibility and market viability. Furthermore, it also helped her strike a balance between user satisfaction, business viability, and technical feasibility, ultimately leading to successful product outcomes.

    Embracing Change and Growth:

    Embracing change and growth is a transformative mindset that Karthi stated to have adopted after completing her course at IPL. She made a conscious decision to embark on a different career path and let go of her previous approach to running a startup and adopted a new mindset, incorporating better frameworks and thought processes. This shift empowered her to evolve as a designer and confidently claim her abilities to effectively manage a product. This mindset enabled her to stay agile in an ever-evolving industry, continuously seeking better ways to design and run successful products, and ultimately fostering personal and professional growth.

    Develop empathy-driven design skills, understand the product landscape, and embrace change and growth to become a highly skilled and versatile designer by enrolling now in any of the courses offered by the Institute of Product Leadership. Transform your design career with IPL.

    About the Author

    Karthi Subbaraman Principal Group Design Manager, Microsoft

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