Difference between new-age skills and traditional skills

"Things have changed, world is no more the same as it was"

Experiential Learning > Resume

Hackathons simulate real life and performing under real life scenarios tests the ability of a person in a much better fashion than a CV or a simple test.

Things haven’t really changed as some of those skills that were essential in the past are continued to be important in the present as well; although it is very fashionable to say “things have changed, world is no more the same as it was.”

"I think Product Managers more than any other folks in the industry need to demonstrate the new-age skills."

What are the new-age skills?

Ability to ask questions, think outside the box – these are not something that are taught to you in school or college or at work. For the first time, we are calling out these skills and “I think Product Managers more than any other folks in the industry need to demonstrate these skills.”  

Their knowledge of technology and business is essential, but the ability to ask questions, understanding the problem and articulating it by being assertive by working collaboratively in product building is more crucial. The ability to manage multiple stakeholders, their inputs and inherent conflicts while building a product becomes extremely critical.


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