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4 Ways How AI Product Management is Different from Conventional PM

By Vamsi Krishna Vutukuru – Senior Director of Product Management at Adobe.

Imagine a world where your favorite music playlist knows your mood before you do, or where your shopping suggestions seem to read your mind. That’s the power of AI in action. Take Spotify, for example. It uses AI to create personalized playlists based on what you love to listen to. It’s like having your own DJ who knows your taste perfectly.

But AI isn’t just about music. It’s changing how products are made and managed. That’s where product managers come in. They’re the ones who make sure AI-powered products work smoothly and fairly for everyone.

Join us as we dive into the world of AI in product management. We’ll explore how it’s different from traditional ways of managing products and learn how to make the most of this exciting new technology.

Key Takeaways:

  • Before delving into product management, grasp the basics of AI and ML, understanding their distinctions and the probabilistic nature of ML models, which is crucial for understanding their impact on product development, where while core product management principles remain, distinct differences exist in AI product management.
  • There are 4 main differences between AI and conventional product management- increased stakeholder involvement, dealing with ambiguity, watching out for bias, and high importance of the feedback loop.
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    Understanding AI and Machine Learning: A Foundation for Effective Product Management

    Before diving into product management, it’s crucial to take a step back and understand the basics of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). These terms are often used interchangeably, but it’s important to recognize their distinctions. Machine learning is actually a subset of artificial intelligence. For a deeper understanding, I encourage you to explore resources like Google and Wikipedia.

    At its core, whether discussing AI or ML, we are referring to the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience, feedback loops, and data. This concept is best explained through an example.

    Imagine you want to create a system that can identify whether an image contains a cat or a dog. You start by gathering a large dataset of labeled images of cats and dogs. These images are used as training data for your machine-learning algorithms. The algorithms analyze this data to identify patterns and develop a model.

    This model is then used in real-world applications. When you input a new image, the model predicts whether it depicts a cat, a dog, or neither. It’s important to note that these models are probabilistic. Instead of providing absolute answers, they give a confidence score. For instance, the model might indicate it is 90% certain that an image is of a cat. Unlike humans, who can often make immediate and definitive identifications, models provide a prediction with an associated confidence level.

    Understanding this probabilistic nature and the confidence scores of machine learning models is essential, especially as we move into discussing product management and its implications. This foundation in AI and ML is critical as we explore how these technologies impact product development and management strategies.

    When it comes to product management for AI products, the fundamentals remain largely the same. To excel in AI product management, you must first be a great product manager in general. This includes defining product requirements, understanding the voice of the customer, solving problems, positioning products, designing user experiences, and crafting effective market strategies. These core activities remain crucial.

    However, there are some key differences specific to AI products. Let’s explore them in detail.

    4 Main Differences in AI Product Management and Conventional Product Management

    There are 4 key differences between AI and traditional product management.

    1. Increased Stakeholder Involvement

    In traditional product management, a product manager typically coordinates with a range of stakeholders such as engineering, customers, customer success, marketing, and sales. This multi-faceted interaction forms the foundation of product development. However, when managing AI products, the number of stakeholders increases, adding layers of complexity to the process.

    Core Collaboration: Product Management and Engineering

    At the core of product development are the product management and engineering teams. These two teams work closely to transform product requirements—whether through documents, user stories, wireframes, or UX mocks—into a functional product. This iterative process involves continuous feedback and refinement to ensure the product meets its objectives.

    New Stakeholders in AI Product Development

    AI product management introduces two additional critical teams:

    (i) Data Sourcing and Annotation Team:

    Role: This team is crucial for collecting and labeling the training data needed for AI models. For instance, creating a classifier to detect cats and dogs requires gathering and annotating thousands of images. The complexity grows if the classifier needs to recognize various animals, necessitating a vast and diverse dataset.

    Challenges: Ensuring data accuracy and relevance is vital. This involves meticulous annotation and handling large volumes of data, whether it’s images for computer vision models or transaction data for fraud detection systems.

    (ii) Data Science Team:

    Role: This team utilizes the sourced and annotated data to build and refine AI models. This iterative process requires continuous model evaluation and adjustments based on performance metrics.

    Challenges: Effective model training demands not only data but also significant computational resources and expertise in selecting suitable algorithms and tuning hyperparameters.

    Evolving Role of the Engineering Team

    The engineering team, while continuing to build and deploy the product, now also integrates AI models developed by the data science team. This integration adds another layer of complexity to the development process.

    Increased Coordination and Longer Lead Times

    With these additional teams, the coordination efforts of a product manager increase significantly. More time is spent aligning these diverse groups to ensure seamless product development. This extended coordination results in longer lead times for product iterations. Feedback requiring changes to AI models sets off a series of steps: gathering new data, updating models, and then integrating these models into the product, which extends the development cycle.

    In smaller companies, these roles might be combined within the same team, but the complexity remains, necessitating careful management and coordination.

    2. Dealing with Ambiguity

    In AI product management, ambiguity is a more significant challenge compared to traditional product management. This inherent uncertainty requires careful consideration and a strategic approach to decision-making. Here’s a closer look at how ambiguity plays a crucial role in AI product management.

    Assessing the Need for AI

    The first step in AI product management is determining whether AI is necessary to solve a particular business problem. Often, simple business rules or common sense can address the issue without the need for complex AI solutions. For instance, optimizing a web form by not asking irrelevant questions based on previous answers can be done without AI. Understanding when to leverage AI and when to rely on straightforward solutions is crucial to avoid unnecessary complexity.

    Science Problems and Accuracy

    Once the decision to use AI is made, addressing the science problems becomes essential. AI models strive for high accuracy, but achieving this involves balancing conflicting priorities. For example, in credit card fraud detection, it is vital to decide whether it is more important to deny fraudulent transactions or to avoid denying legitimate ones. These opposing goals require careful thought because the choice influences how the AI model is trained and tuned.

    Defining Acceptable Accuracy Levels

    Determining acceptable accuracy levels involves making trade-offs between cost, development time, and business impact. High accuracy comes at a cost, whether in terms of computational resources, time spent developing the model, or response time to customers. Product managers must decide what level of accuracy is acceptable. For instance, is it acceptable to miss one fraudulent transaction in 100,000 or in 10 million? Each level of accuracy has different implications for the model’s complexity and development cost.

    Applying Business Judgment

    AI product management requires strong business judgment to understand these ambiguities. Balancing the need for high accuracy with the practical constraints of time and resources is a constant challenge. Sometimes, it may be better to deploy a less accurate model quickly and improve it over time, rather than striving for near-perfect accuracy from the start. This iterative approach allows for continuous improvement and adaptation based on real-world feedback.

    3. Watching Out for Bias

    Bias refers to anomalies in the output of machine learning algorithms caused by underlying assumptions or prejudices in the training data. Understanding and mitigating bias is critical for effective AI product management. Let’s delve deeper into this important aspect.

    Defining Bias in AI

    Bias in AI refers to discrepancies in the model’s behavior that can lead to unfair or inaccurate outcomes. These biases may arise from the training data or the algorithmic design process. It’s essential to recognize and address biases to ensure that AI systems produce equitable and reliable results.

    Examples of Bias in AI

    To illustrate the impact of bias, consider the following examples:

    (i) Facial Recognition Models:

    Suppose you’re developing a facial recognition model, but the training data primarily consists of faces with dark skin tones. When deployed in the real world, the model may struggle to accurately recognize faces with lighter skin tones, leading to errors and misidentifications. This highlights the importance of ensuring a balanced dataset representing diverse demographics to avoid bias.

    (ii) Skin Cancer Detection:

    In another example, biased training data can lead to incorrect outcomes. If the training images for a skin cancer detection model predominantly feature rulers alongside cancerous lesions, the model may inadvertently learn to associate the presence of rulers with cancer, rather than focusing on the actual characteristics of the lesions. As a result, when presented with images without rulers in real-world scenarios, the model may fail to detect skin cancer accurately.

    Mitigating Bias in AI Products

    To mitigate bias in AI products, it’s essential to start by understanding the business problem and examining the data collection process critically. Balancing the dataset across various demographics, ethnicities, skin colors, and age groups helps prevent unintentional biases from creeping into the model. Additionally, rigorous testing and validation procedures can identify and rectify biases before deploying AI systems in production environments.

    4. Feedback Loop is More Critical

    Let’s explore why feedback loops are even more critical in AI product development and how to effectively incorporate them into the process.

    Understanding the Significance of Feedback Loops

    As a product manager, you’re likely familiar with the importance of feedback loops in iteratively building great products. However, in AI product management, where machine learning models are probabilistic by nature, feedback loops become even more vital. These systems rely on continuous feedback to improve the quality of their outputs over time.

    Embedding Feedback Loops in Customer Workflow

    One effective way to gather feedback is by embedding feedback loops directly into the core customer workflow. For example, consider the reviews and ratings page on platforms like TripAdvisor. By incorporating a simple “like” button, users can provide real-time feedback on reviews they find helpful or informative. This feedback is invaluable for refining the underlying algorithms and enhancing the overall user experience seamlessly.

    Encouraging Data Sharing with Privacy Protection

    Another strategy involves encouraging customers to opt-in to share data voluntarily. While data collection is crucial for refining AI models, it’s essential to prioritize user privacy and adhere to data protection regulations. For instance, many mobile apps prompt users to share usage patterns to improve the app’s functionality. However, it’s crucial to transparently communicate the purpose of data collection and ensure compliance with ethical and legal standards.

    Balancing Effectiveness with Ethical Considerations

    While feedback loops are instrumental in enhancing AI products, it’s essential to implement them responsibly and ethically. Striking the right balance between improving product effectiveness and safeguarding user privacy is paramount. As product managers, it’s our responsibility to ensure that feedback loops are implemented in a manner that respects user rights and aligns with ethical standards.

    AI product management is like exploring new territory in managing products. It brings exciting chances to innovate and change things up. Product managers need to understand the special challenges that come with managing AI products. With this knowledge, they can confidently tackle these challenges and look ahead to what’s coming. Embracing AI in product management means embracing the chance to create products that make a big impact and do good for society, all while being fair and ethical.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    AI product management differs from traditional product management in its focus on understanding the probabilistic nature of AI models, understanding biases, implementing effective feedback loops, and balancing innovation with ethical considerations.

    AI will revolutionize product management by enabling personalized recommendations, predictive analytics for better decision-making, efficient automation of repetitive tasks, and the creation of innovative products that anticipate user needs.

    The role of AI in product management is to enhance decision-making with predictive analytics, personalize user experiences through recommendation systems, automate repetitive tasks for efficiency, and drive innovation by leveraging advanced algorithms for product development and optimization.

    Common challenges when integrating AI into product management practices include understanding and mitigating biases in AI algorithms, ensuring data privacy and security, handling regulatory compliance, managing the complexity of AI models, and fostering transparency and trust among users regarding AI-driven functionalities.

    While AI can automate certain tasks and enhance decision-making in product management, it’s unlikely to fully replace the role. Product management involves complex strategic planning, understanding user needs, and driving innovation, which requires human creativity, empathy, and strategic thinking. AI may augment and streamline certain aspects of product management, but human oversight and leadership will remain essential for driving success and ensuring alignment with organizational goals and values.

    To become an AI product manager, start by gaining a strong understanding of AI and machine learning concepts through self-study, online courses, or formal education. Familiarize yourself with AI tools and technologies commonly used in product management. Gain hands-on experience by working on AI-related projects or collaborating with AI teams. Develop skills in data analysis, problem-solving, and communication to effectively translate AI insights into actionable product strategies. Network with professionals in the AI and product management fields and seek mentorship opportunities to accelerate your learning and career growth in AI product management.

    About the Author:

    Vamsi Krishna Vutukuru – Senior Director of Product Management at Adobe.
