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Design Thinking for Non-designers

Lital Sherman

Lital Sherman,
Head of UX Design
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German designer, liberal strategist, and a storyteller with 15 years of experience in implementing human-centric design practices into the development process of some of the tech market leaders.

Design Thinking is really everyone’s job and every single one of you can adopt and apply to their day to day job” – Lital Sherman

She set off the insightful and thought-provoking session with a poll to grasp a better understanding of the audience diversity pool. 

Every organization needs to assess the UX design across the multiple verticals and understand the design maturity across the business. As the session progressed, Lital strategically explained the five steps of design thinking with the assistance of data-backed diagrams.

  • Empathize – Gain an empathetic understanding of the problem you are trying to solve. It will help individuals to set aside their own assumptions and biases about the world to gain insight into customers and their needs.


  • Define – Analyze your observations and synthesize them to define the core problem which is identified at the point.


  • Ideate – Always “ think outside the box” to identify new solutions to the problem statement you have identified and can start looking for alternative ways of viewing the problem.


  • Prototype- In this experimental phase, identify the best possible solution for each of the problems identified during the initial stages.


  • Test – In the final stage of the Design Thinking Process, results generated during the testing phase are often used to redefine one or more problems and inform the “understanding of the customers”. Alterations and refinements can be made to rule out problem solutions and to arrive at a better understanding of the product and its end users.

The fact is quite intriguing that Design thinking will help every individual to extract valuable information by applying the human-centric technique to solve problems in creative and innovative ways. Design thinking focuses on qualitative research and observation that get individuals to empathize and understand the needs of end consumers that the organization is serving. Design thinking plays a vital role in helping individuals to step away from the biases and assumptions.

Design thinking is becoming one of the most demanded skills for product leaders. If you aren’t designing keeping the end customers in mind, whom are you designing the product for? 

Now, even the most progressive organizations are shifting away from the waterfall handover process to a more collaborative approach to have a flat hierarchy, adopting an agile, empowering team to make their own decisions to be autonomous. This is where Product Managers and designers can work as peers and define the objectives and expected outcomes.

She closed the whip-smart webinar with a Question and Answer session from the attendees.

Watch her full session here – 

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