Pinkesh Shah

Chief Product Officer, Qualys

Pinkesh Shah is a Silicon Valley Executive with an overall experience of 20 plus years as a Product Management Executive. Previously he was the global Vice President of Product Management at McAfee R&C BU (now part of Intel Corp.) for around 14 years in the US. Having played a key role in understanding how global products have to be adapted to work in emerging markets, he was instrumental in starting the product management organization in McAfee India. He is a guest faculty at several internationally reputed B-schools like IIM Bangalore, Amsterdam University etc. He is an angel investor and is one of the founding board members at the Institute of Product Leadership ( – A Business School focused on Technology Professionals.


Life is short build stuff that matters

Pinkesh Shah

The 'keeda' that makes you take the leap

Is it okay to be on the wrong career path?

The role of experience in career changeT

NASSCOM Product Connect: Project Management vs Product Management

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