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Problem Context

■ Visibility is a problem that Daycares face, especially in the online space.
■ Credibility is another important issue that they deal with. Especially when there is no structured measure of the same.

Target customer

Small (up to 35 children) and Medium (30-60 children) Daycares and Daycare chains

Proposed Solution

■ Day Care’s customers are Parents, who seek information, primarily online.
■ Therefore online presence with credible social reviews is the key for the Day Cares.
■ KIDDO offers a listing platform where Daycares can list relevant information and parents have the option to provide their ratings & reviews on the Day Cares.

Value Proposition

■ A platform where the Daycares can reach out to a community of parents, who are searching for it.
■ A Crowd Review Platform where the registered parents can Rate & Review any listed Day Care. This would act as the social proof the parents look forward to for making any decision.
■ A place to compare the short-listed Day cares based on various factors.


Souravi Ray,
Director – Products & Delivery,
eAbyas Info Solutions

Venkat V,
Engineering Manager,

Ananya Joshi,
Quality Assurance Engineer,
GE Transportation

Ayush Jain,
Product Owner,