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Debadyuti RoyChowdhury – EMBA Class of 2014

Debadyuti RoyChowdhury – EMBA Class of 2014

Expert Data Consultant, Allscripts to Entrepreneur / Architect, Co-Founder, Tappozz


“I have been in the product journey for the last five years. Prior to that I was in IT and technology support. In 2011, I joined AllScripts, a product company, which is into healthcare software.”

Why Product Management and IPL

“Product Management as a function is very nascent in India. I started my career in the service-oriented software industry. My first product-focused role was in AllScripts. There, I had direct view into how a customer gets impacted directly, and how the other functions of the organizations vary in product companies. I was in a product development team.”

“I am an impatient person by nature. We did a lot of new-idea implementation in AllScripts, but things would not move at a pace I wanted it to. I wanted to know how to influence the decisions being made. I wanted to have a say where it mattered.”

“Sometime during this time, we had an info-session with Pinkesh from IPL. Also, the entrepreneurial bug bit me by that time. Before IPL, I thought there were only two options – do an MS or an MBA [for further learning]. However, the third option – IPL, came up after the info-session. Unlike other roles like Marketing, Engineering managers, none of them have a holistic view. To that end, Product Management seemed to be a role that knits everything together meaningfully.”

“I thought I had skills typically important in Product Management - transparent communication, being able to bring teams together, leadership and influence – and I thought could put them to good use. That was really the calling for Product Management.”

The importance of Product Management in Startups

“We are on an innovation “wave”. Through innovations in different channels, we are moving forward. We need more start-ups and product managers to drive innovation. The ideas and passion comes from start-up, and product management is needed to put the required strategic processes in place for the idea to come to life.

Apart from the productization process, the IPL program provides [soft] skills such as leadership, negotiation and influential skills Start-up leaders/product managers typically require these skills to convert their idea into a successful product."

IPL Experience

“The entire curriculum is laid out well. It has a broad perspective, narrowed down to some examples and then you can apply the concept to your case.

Three months after I joined the IPL program, I quit my job to start a project. The start-up project was to manufacture interchangeable shoes. We wanted to know how it is to work with physical products. Through the course we got to pitch to mentors, industry advisors etc. However Manufacturing is an unorganized market – either you set up your own unit, which is expensive, or have partners. Although, we did not have a very successful run due to a manufacturing problem, there was a lot of learning from it. IPL gave me the confidence to take the leap into the start-up industry.

In the future, I want to apply outbound Product Management – either entrepreneurial or intra-preneurial.”

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