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Nizami Bonhomie for IPL’s DILO Seminar

Hyderabadis are famous for their mehmaan nawaazi - the warmth and hospitality they extend towards visitors. IPL’s “Day in the Life of a Product Manager” seminar was no exception. During our first seminar outside Bangalore, the City of Nizams gave a tumultuous response to IPL’s senior faculty and guest speakers.

Over a hundred Hyderabadis gathered at the Radisson to listen to Prof. Rahul Abhyankar and Prof. Tathagat Varma speak about career acceleration and leadership skills. Guest speakers included Vivek Jain, CTO and Head of Products of and Sumeet Mathur, Senior VP and Head of Software Engineering of CA Technologies. A star-studded panel of senior leaders from ADP, JDA Software, MeraEvents and MapMyGenome completed the roster.
The engaged audience peppered the speakers and panelists with a wide range of questions ranging from experiential learning to using Agile in their personal lives.

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Here are some quotable quotes from the day -

“Become a T-shaped Product Manager with a Medici mentality! You must have both deep and wide skills for effective product management” - Prof. Tathagat Varma

“Leaders create leaders indeed” - Prof. Tathagat Varma

“ There are innovative ways in India to solve problems, that are not found in the US. The concept of Jugaad is very good!” - Vivek Jain during his fireside chat with Prof. Rahul

“Antarctic session on hacking your way by” - Tweet from the Twitter wall.

"Understand the core value proposition that you are going to offer to customer, and go after it" - Vivek Jain

“A consumer product manager may need to be customer or business savvy - obsessed to say the least. No silver bullet to the art of product management!” - Sumeet Mathur “A brilliant investment for a peanut fees. A lot of compressed learning that will take a lot of time to digest.” - Feedback from a seminar attendee “It would be nice to know the different types of innovation approach, and the customer centricity of tech visionaries. We look to hire a person who can deal with ambiguity, who has an ability to influence the outcome without control” - Vivek Jain [on what kinds of skills he looks for while hiring PMs]


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