3 critical skills for product leaders as they build products for billions
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UX should always be for the Lowest Common Denominator, simple, aspirational and what works. A Product Manager should not be afraid of breaking rules or defining new paradigms, as usually, while building a product for the masses, the problem is being solved for the first time.
Market first or Product first is a choice made based on the product owner's conviction and confidence. The product owner should focus on multiple dimensions of the problem statement. There are some non-negotiables to get the market fit right such as identifying bottlenecks early, efficiency in customer acquisition and retention, never getting into analysis paralysis and to remember that customer comes first always.
Organization must evolve in tandem with customers and the market. Scale cannot be an afterthought. Simplicity breeds scalability and it is important to define the org culture and get the right team/system in place for smooth functioning of the org.